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Abby Williamson: Ricardo II, Merced Shakes (2020)

Adriana Domínguez: A Christmas Carol en la Frontera, UT El Paso (2018)

Adriana Gaviria: Romeo y Julieta, Chicago Shakespeare Theater (2008)

Andrew Siañez-De La O: Rough Magic, The Huntington Theatre (2022)

Chantal Rodriguez: Interview with Evelina Fernández

Edgar Landa: The Taming of La Shrew, Will & Company (1993)

Erin A. Cowling: Siglo Latinx; Hamlet: La Telenovela (2023)

Emily Stone: Midsummer Sueño, NYU Libraries (2022)

Gina Sandí Díaz: The Tragedy of Macbeth, College of the Sequoias (2018)

Glenda Y. Nieto Cuebas: Siglo Latinx

Guillermo Avilés-Rodríguez: La Razón Blindada, Los Angeles Theatre Center (2017)

Jay Stratton: A Christmas Carol en la Frontera, UT El Paso (2018)

Joe Falocco: Dos Familias, Central Florida Community Arts (2020);

     The Comedy  of Errors / La Comedia de Equivocaciones, Texas State University (2015)

John Milam: The Tragic Corrido of Romeo & Lupe, Pharr Community Center (2018);

     Romeo and Juliet, The Classic Theatre of San Antonio (2019)

Jordan Kessler: A Holtville Night's Dream, Cornerstone Theater Company (2007)

José A. Esquea: Romeo and Juliet, Teatro LaTea (2009) 

Laura Lodewyck: Measure for Measure, Chicago Shakespeare Theater (2022)

Laura Muñoz: This Bitch: Esta Sangre Quiero, New American Theater Festival (2021);

       Interview with Adrienne Dawes

Meg Lowey: Querido, WAVE Productions (2014)

Robin Kello: Eastside Stories: The Vision and Legacy of East L.A. Classic Theatre

Roxanne Schroeder-Arce: Romeo y Julieta, BYU's Young Company (2018); The Wizard of Aztlan, chUSMA (2001)

Ruff Yeager: Romeo and Juliet, Southwestern College (2020)

Sandra Ruiz: Romeo y Julieta, Southwestern Summer Shakespeare Festival (2024)

Susi Lopera: Ofélio, The T.R.U.T.H. Project (2017)

Trevor Boffone: Romeo y Julieta, Cara Mía Theatre Co. (2013); Balcony Scene in Quarantine, TEATRX (2020)

Yvette Chairez: The Globe of the Great Southwest

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LatinxShakespeares.Org is a non-profit site.
This is an online, living, and growing archive of Latinx Theatre Adaptation. 

Please credit all artists and scholars appropriately.

Please cite the archive in your dramaturgical and scholarly research.


All images and ephemera have been posted with permission from theaters and artists.

They may not be reproduced or re-posted without permission.


I built and paid for this site myself because of my love for theatre and theatre-makers.

I will be managing it as editor and adding to it each month.

All donations go to maintenance of the site.

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©2022 by Carla Della Gatta

Shakespeare performance; Shakespeare adaptation; Latinx theatre; theatre archives; Shakespeare and Race; ShakeRace; Latino Shakespeare; Latinx Shakespeare; Bilingual Shakespeare; Spanish Shakespeare; Hamlet Latino; Macbeth Latino; Othello Latino; Hispanic Hamlet; Hispanic Shakespeare: bilingual theatre; Latinx adaptation; Puerto Rican Shakespeare; Cuban Shakespeare; Chicano Shakespeare; Chicanx Shakespeare, Boricua Shakespeare; Romeo y Julieta Shakespeare; bilingual dramaturgy

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