Below is a list of resources for both theatre-making and academic study. All resources are freely available online. If you are looking for a script, please contact the playwright directly or through New Play Exchange. I have included resources for the myriad intersections of Shakespeare and Latinidad, links to full video recordings or audio productions of bilingual, semi-bilingual, Latinx-themed and/or authored productions, Latinx theatre, bilingual theatre and translations (including Spanish Golden Age theatre), and Shakespeare.
Shakespeare and Latinidad
Latinx Shakespeares: Staging US Intracultural Theater. Book of theatre history and performance analysis. Available for free to download.
View the book launch party hosted by the Latinx Theatre Commons and produced by HowlRoundTV (March 2023).
I wrote several short blogs for the Folger Shakespeare Library's Shakespeare & Beyond on the original West Side Story film, the 2021 film, and the 1996 Baz Luhrmann Romeo + Juliet film. All three films are addressed in Chapter One of Latinx Shakespeares.
Shakespeare and Latinidad. A collection of essays and dialogues from 25 contributors, including directors, actors, scholars, dramaturgs, playwrights, vocal coaches, etc. It is available in all formats, and it went to paperback in February 2023. Several essays that coordinate directly with shows have a button to download within this archive. View the conversation on the book on A Bit Lit films.
The Folger Shakespeare Library featured several contributors from Shakespeare and Latinidad in their Shakespeare Unlimited podcast series.
Episode 178: Bringing Latinx Voices to Shakespeare, with Cynthia Santos DeCure and Micha Espinosa. This is a conversation between two vocal coaches.
Episode 176: Shakespeare in Latinx Communities, with José Cruz González and David Lozano. This is a conversation between two theatre directors/playwrights.
Episode 172: How We Hear Shakespeare's Plays, with Carla Della Gatta. This is a general overview about the importance of hearing Shakespeare in the early modern period and today.
All Folger Shakespeare Library Shakespeare Unlimited podcasts are made for general audiences and include a transcript of the audio.
Videos & Audio of Latinx Shakespeares
Brave New Shakespeare. Series from The Public Theatre with actors delivering sonnets and scenes, some in Spanish and English. See Raúl Esparza, Danaya Esparanza, Jimmy Smits, Pedro Pascal, Daniel José Molina and Emma Ramos.
All of the productions listed below are on the pages within the archive. Below is a list of all shows that have an available full video or audio.
Latinx- Themed Productions and Adaptations
Romeo(s) y Julieta(s). By Rosa Luisa Márquez. Performed at University of Puerto Rico.
Otra Tempestad by Raquel Carrió and Flora Lauten. A riff on The Tempest, entirely in Spanish.
A Holtville Night’s Dream. By Alison Carey. Video. Inspired by A Midsummer Night's Dream. Performed by Cornerstone Theater Company and the citizens of Holtville.
A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Video. Performed at Arclight Repertory Theatre.
Measure for Measure. Audio of theatrical production for purchase. Performed at Oregon Shakespeare Festival.
Romeo and Juliet. Audio of theatrical production for purchase. Performed at Oregon Shakespeare Festival.
La Fierecilla Domada. Audio Play. The Taming of the Shrew, in English. Performed by Lean & Hungry Theater.
Marqués: A Narco Macbeth. By Stephen Richter and Mónica Andrade. Video. Performed at UC Santa Cruz. Video in two parts. My essay in Shakespeare and Latinidad is on this show.
Romeo y Julio. By Eric Glawe. Video. 10-minute film. Directed by Lesley Elizondo at UCLA.
La Medea. By Yara Travieso. Available for streaming.
Latinx-Authored (but no Latinx-specific setting)
The Labyrinth of Desire. By Caridad Svich. Inspired by Lope de Vega’s La Prueba de los Ingenios. Performed at Fordham University.
The Breath of Stars. By Caridad Svich. Inspired by The Tempest. Performed at Carthage College.
Trumpus Caesar. By Carlos Morton. Video. Filmed at UCSB.
I Wanna Fuck Like Romeo and Juliet. By Andrew Rincón. Audio play. Produced by The Parsnip Ship.
Moore - A Pacific Island Othello. By Kepano Richter. Video. Filmed at University of Hawaii.
Bilingual & Semi-Bilingual Theatre
Ricardo II. Video. Bilingual show from Merced ShakespeareFest. With subtitles.
Romeo y Julieta. Audio. Bilingual audio play from The Public. Starring Lupita Nyong’o. With subtitles.
Don Quixote de la Merced. By Ángel Núñez and William Wolfgang. Video. From Merced Shakespearefest. With subtitles.
Latinx Theatre
The Latinx Theatre Commons is a movement to produce and develop more Latinx theatre.
The Sol Project produces Latinx theatre, new work by diverse playwrights, and has events and an annual festival.
La Gente. Network of Latinx theatre designers, technicians, and stage managers.
National Latinx Theater Initiative (NLTI). Network of Latinx theaters.
"101 Plays by The New Americans, or on Latinidad". By Tlaloc Rivas. A list (as of 2013) of plays by Latinx playwrights. Published in HowlRound.
Fifty Key Figures in LatinX and Latin American Theatre. Edited by Paola S. Hernández and Analola Santana. Short bios and histories on Latinx and Latin American playwrights and artists.
Latinx Superfriends Playwriting Hour and the AfroLatine Superfriends Playwriting Hour. Hosted by the Latinx Thteatre Commons and HowlRound TV. Playwrights discussing their craft.
For a list of Latinx theaters in the U.S., see 50 Playwrights Project, created by Trevor Boffone.
Also, the entire site of 50 Playwrights Project includes short interviews of Latinx playwrights.
Cuban Theater Digital Archive The CTDA was founded by Lillian Manzor and is an outstanding resource for Cuban and Cuban-American theatre.
Fundación Shakespeare Argentina. This site has extensive resources for both productions and scholarship, in English and Spanish.
La Recepción de las Obras de Shakespeare en la Cultura Española y Europea. This site was developed by the researchers at Universidad de Murcia, Spain. It has an online library of productions and translations (en castellano y catalán), including older translations that are in the public domain.
The Fornés Institute. An initiative of the Latinx Theatre Commons, it houses information, holds trainings, and advocates for the work of María Irene Fornés.
Mythic Imagination and the Actor. By Marissa Chibás.
Theatre of the Sphere: The Vibrant Being. By Luis Valdez.
Latinx Actor Training Edited by Cynthia Santos DeCure and Micha Espinosa. Book of essays and interviews.
Scenes for Latinx Actors: Voices of the New American Theatre. Edited by Cynthia Santos DeCure and Micha Espinosa.
Monologues for Latinx Actors. Edited by Micha Espinosa.
Bilingual Theatre & Translation
"Staging Bilingual Classical Theatre." Short essay published by HowlRound. Strategies and considerations for making bilingual theatre, It is also useful for parsing out how bilingual and semi-bilingual literature and theatre functions.
“Bilingual Classical Theater.” Podcast with the Classic Stage Company in New York.
Diversifying the Classics. Initiative to translate Spanish Golden Age theatre. All translations are free on their site with dramaturgical and contextual information. They host a theatre festival every two years called La Escena, with international Latin American artists, adaptations by Latinx artists, and performances of their translations.
90 Monologues from Classical Spanish Theater. Book with original Spanish Golden Age monologues in Spanish alongside the translation into contemporary English. By the Diversifying the Classics group.
Side-by-side translation of Macbeth by Alfredo Michel Modenessi with the Folger digital edition. Translation is line by line, with Shakespeare's English and contemporary Spanish.
Side-by-side translation of Hamlet by Miguel Garci-Gomez hosted by Duke University. Translation is line by line, with Shakespeare's English and contemporary Spanish.
Out of the Wings. An AHRC-funded database of Spanish Golden Age plays and translations. No longer funded, it remains a great resource for this body of work.
Folger Shakespeare Library. There are many resources here, and this links to their online digital texts of their plays, which are free to download.
MIT Global Shakespeares. This has videos of clips and full productions in languages and cultures from around the world. Some with subtitles.
For the most thorough list of online resources for Shakespeare and early modern studies, see the website of Dr. Claire M.L. Bourne.
Open Source Shakespeare. Concordance. I love the creativity and inquiry that can be generated and facilitated by a concordance.
LatinxShakespeares.Org is a non-profit site.
This is an online, living, and growing archive of Latinx Theatre Adaptation.
Please credit all artists and scholars appropriately.
Please cite the archive in your dramaturgical and scholarly research.
All images and ephemera have been posted with permission from theaters and artists.
They may not be reproduced or re-posted without permission.
I built and paid for this site myself because of my love for theatre and theatre-makers.
I will be managing it as editor and adding to it each month.
All donations go to maintenance of the site.